Sinar Mas Cepsa gives you all the opportunities to develop your professional career within a great company.
In order to reinforce our competitive advantage, we hire people with a solid background who are committed to the organization, willing to learn and develop in any functional or geographical area, who like to work as a team, and above all, people with initiative and enthusiasm To assume challenges and responsibilities. In other words, people who follows our Key Success factors.
Learn concept goals employee success.
Opportunities don't happen, you create them.
Stay committed to your decision, but stay flexible in your approach.
Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.
A collaborative team environment is essential for success, which means it's imperative to build a strong foundation of trust, honesty and confidence.
Trust is a critical element in effective communications. Often when leaders need to make an important presentation, they will spend a great deal of time making sure they have the right content.
Collaborative partnerships are agreements and actions made by consenting organizations to share resources to accomplish a mutual goal.
Listening is not a passive act. It requires concentration and effort to do it well. Even if you are listening hard, it’s easy to distort, or filter, what your conversational partner is saying.